Our picture book debut group is gearing up for an exciting year in 2021 as we see our book babies make their splash into the world. The first titles coming out include There is a Rainbow (Chronicle, Jan 2021); Squish Squash Squished (Nancy Paulsen Books PG/RH, Feb 2021); A Girl’s Bill of Rights (Beaming Books, Feb 2021); Rainbow Boy (Beaming Books, Jan 2021); and The Floating Field (Millbrook Press, March 2021).
As any author knows, writing is hard. Creating a publishable work is harder. Finding an editor who wants to pair your words with the perfect illustrator is even harder. And then there’s time—so much of it spent waiting for these steps to unfold.
The route to a book deal differs from one author to the next, and we found that this fact holds true for our group. From pitch events on Twitter, to submission opportunities through conferences, to slush pile successes, to connections forged through social media not one path is the same. Each story is interesting and bears nuggets of wisdom worth sharing.
Over the next couple of months we will share blog posts highlighting how our authors got their book deal. Join us to see how our success stories might point you in the right direction for finding your own.
Our first post on this topic is scheduled for November 30. It will feature #Pitch event success stories. Because it precedes the final social media pitch event of the year (#PitMad) coming up on December 3, 2020 on Twitter, we hope you’ll be inspired to take steps toward your own bright moment.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @21fortheBooks and on Instagram @21fortheBooks to stay in the loop for information, events, and giveaways.
Stay grateful, friends!